PDF~ePUB Pugs – The Owner’S Guide From Puppy To Old Age – Choosing, Caring For, Grooming, Health, Training And Understanding Your Pug Dog Or Puppy

Pugs - The Owner’S Guide From Puppy To Old Age - Choosing, Caring For, Grooming, Health, Training And Understanding Your Pug Dog Or Puppy image


Wouldn’t it be incredible if 37 expert Pug breeders combined with a top dog trainer to create the ultimate complete owner’s guide with all your frequently asked questions answered in one place?Well here it is! You will literally find this book jam packed full of useful quotes giving clear advice and secret tips from the world’s best Pug dog breeders who between them have hundreds of years of experience in caring for Pugs.When you buy this book you will also get an exclusive gift from us which are the free bonus interviews we conducted with some of the breeders who were involved in the making of this Pug book. There just wasn’t space in the main book for these!Hilary Linnett of Conquell Pugs says "If there were ten stars this book would receive them. As a Pug breeder of many years standing this has to be the most informative book available on Pugs, everything in it specifically applies to Pugs, it is just as suited to a novice first time owner as to a more experienced one, really worth every penny and so very informative with comments from breeders expert on the breed.The only book a Pug owner needs."This one-stop ‘instruction manual’ is the essential companion to your lovable Pug. Over 252 pages we cover everything you should know from buying a new puppy through to old age and how best to look after your precious Pug.Start off with the right advice so bad behaviors don’t even start, but if they do, we show you how to overcome common problems. We will help you understand your Pug so you can build an ever stronger loving bond with your best-behaved member of your household.Our experts can also help save you a small fortune by showing you the best ways to keep your Pug healthier and live a longer and more fulfilled life, reducing expensive trips to the vets.The book written in an easy-to-understand style with funny and entertaining stories interspersed with practical, actionable advice and tips from all our qualified expert breeders, most of whom are members of the National Pug Dog Club of America or the Pug Dog Club in the United Kingdom.Order now and you can soon be sitting back, relaxing and enjoying this Pug owner’s guide. Buy it now either on paperback or instant downloadable e-book. It makes a great gift too!Just some of the subjects covered include: origins and history, keeping your vet bills down by giving your Pug better health, how to help your Pug live longer, colors, buying a dog or puppy, male or female, rescue, choosing a breeder, personality, socialization, spaying, neutering, house/potty training, bringing your puppy home, grooming, combing, bathing, health, vaccinations, Pug training, understanding your Pug, play and toys, what food and nutrition, old age and what to expect, and much more..."You can see how much hard work, care and advice went into this book by looking at the range of breeders from many different countries around the world. Best Pug handbook I’ve bought." – Jean Gregg.This loveable breed is also known as Chinese Pug, Dutch Bulldog, Dutch Mastiff, Mini Mastiff, Mops (Germany), Carlin (France), Mopsi (Finland) or Doguillo (Spain)."My family has owned Pugs for 50 years. We have also shown Pugs at AKC Dog show's. I am a Handler at the show's for many Breeders. This is the best Book on Pugs I have ever seen."  

✓ Autore(s):
✓ Titolo: Pugs - The Owner’S Guide From Puppy To Old Age - Choosing, Caring For, Grooming, Health, Training And Understanding Your Pug Dog Or Puppy
✓ Valutazione : 4.7 su 5 stelle (481 voti)
✓ ISBN-10: 1910677086
✓ ISBN-13: 9781910677087
✓ Lingua: Italiano
✓ Formato ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML e MOBI
✓ Dispositivi supportati: Android, iOS, PC e Amazon Kindle

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Opinioni dei lettori Pugs - The Owner’S Guide From Puppy To Old Age - Choosing, Caring For, Grooming, Health, Training And Understanding Your Pug Dog Or Puppy

Jacinthe Castro
Un thriller psicologico che esplora i confini della mente umana. La trama intricata e i personaggi enigmatici creano un'atmosfera di tensione costante. Ogni rivelazione è una sorpresa che tiene il lettore incollato alla pagina. Perfetto per gli amanti dei misteri complessi e delle storie avvincenti. Un romanzo che sfida le percezioni e lascia senza fiato.
Filis Luna
Un libro di poesie che esplora le emozioni e i sentimenti umani. Le parole evocative e le immagini potenti toccano il cuore e l'anima. Ogni poesia è una finestra aperta sull'intimità e la vulnerabilità umana. Ideale per chi ama la poesia e le espressioni artistiche profonde. Un libro che risuona con le esperienze di vita e le emozioni di molti.
Benoite Marín
Un'avventura storica che porta il lettore nei tempi antichi. Le ricostruzioni accurate e i personaggi eroici rendono questa storia avvincente. Ogni battaglia e ogni conquista sono narrate con grande maestria. Perfetto per gli appassionati di storia e racconti epici. Un libro che cattura l'immaginazione e trasporta il lettore in un'epoca lontana.

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