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Featured in multiple “must-read” lists, No One Tells You This is “sharp, intimate…A funny, frank, and fearless memoir…and a refreshing view of the possibilities—and pitfalls—personal freedom can offer modern women” (KirkusReviews).If the story doesn’t end with marriage or a child, what then? This question plagued Glynnis MacNicol on the eve of her fortieth birthday. Despite a successful career as a writer, and an exciting life in New York City, Glynnis was constantly reminded she had neither of the things the world expected of a woman her age: a partner or a baby. She knew she was supposed to feel bad about this. After all, single women and those without children are often seen as objects of pity or indulgent spoiled creatures who think only of themselves. Glynnis refused to be cast into either of those roles, and yet the question remained: What now? There was no good blueprint for how to be a woman alone in the world. It was time to create one. Over the course of her fortieth year, which this ​“beguiling” (The Washington Post) memoir chronicles, Glynnis embarks on a revealing journey of self-discovery that continually contradicts everything she’d been led to expect. Through the trials of family illness and turmoil, and the thrills of far-flung travel and adventures with men, young and old (and sometimes wearing cowboy hats), she wrestles with her biggest hopes and fears about love, death, sex, friendship, and loneliness. In doing so, she discovers that holding the power to determine her own fate requires a resilience and courage that no one talks about, and is more rewarding than anyone imagines. “Amid the raft of motherhood memoirs out this summer, it’s refreshing to read a book unapologetically dedicated to the fulfillment of single life” (Vogue). No One Tells You This is an “honest” (Huffington Post) reckoning with modern womanhood and “a perfect balance between edgy and poignant” (People)—an exhilarating journey that will resonate with anyone determined to live by their own rules.

✓ Autore(s):
✓ Titolo: No One Tells You This: A Memoir
✓ Valutazione : 4.3 su 5 stelle (197 voti)
✓ ISBN-10: 1501163140
✓ ISBN-13: 9781501163142
✓ Lingua: Italiano
✓ Formato ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML e MOBI
✓ Dispositivi supportati: Android, iOS, PC e Amazon Kindle

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Opinioni dei lettori No One Tells You This: A Memoir

Latoya Perez
Un thriller mozzafiato che esplora i lati oscuri della psiche umana. La trama tesa e i personaggi enigmatici mantengono alta la tensione fino all'ultima pagina. Ogni rivelazione aggiunge un nuovo strato di intrigo e mistero. Perfetto per chi ama i thriller psicologici e le storie avvincenti. Un romanzo che tiene il lettore incollato alla sedia e fa battere forte il cuore.
Salud Serrano
Un romanzo storico che esplora eventi dimenticati e figure eroiche. Le ricostruzioni accurate e i personaggi vividi portano il lettore indietro nel tempo. Ogni evento storico è intrecciato con la trama in modo coinvolgente. Perfetto per gli appassionati di storia e narrazioni ben documentate. Un libro che educa e affascina allo stesso tempo.
Eldora Vázquez
Un'avventura storica che porta il lettore nei tempi antichi. Le ricostruzioni accurate e i personaggi eroici rendono questa storia avvincente. Ogni battaglia e ogni conquista sono narrate con grande maestria. Perfetto per gli appassionati di storia e racconti epici. Un libro che cattura l'immaginazione e trasporta il lettore in un'epoca lontana.

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